Prostatitis: Initial Signs and Symptoms

doctor and patient with prostatitis

One of the serious diseases in men is prostatitis. Men often do not know the signs of prostatitis and attribute the discomfort to other factors, which leads to an aggravation of the disease. In order to avoid trouble, you need to know what is hiding under these signs in order to pay attention to them in a timely manner.

Causes of prostate inflammation.

Prostatitis refers to inflammation of the prostate. The prostate is a minor part of the male reproductive organs. It is located below the bladder. The prostate is located around the tube that eliminates urine, due to inflammation, it interferes with the outflow of urine.

After 35 years, the prostate is constantly increasing. This is a common occurrence. In men over 50 years of age, part of the disease appears due to a malfunction of the genitourinary system, due to an inflamed prostate.

Consequently, the more the prostate enlarges, the more urine accumulates and the body is poisoned.

  1. The main reason for its increase is circulatory failure. The source of this failure is an immobile lifestyle, a large body weight.
  2. Infection. They can be introduced through gonorrhea or urethritis, less often they can enter the body after suffering from a sore throat, flu or tuberculosis.
  3. The prostate can also become inflamed when bacteria enter the prostate through blood, unprotected sex. Various microorganisms living on the surface of the skin, the abdominal organs, receiving the necessary conditions, can cause an inflammatory process.
  4. Organs and soft tissues of the small pelvis with injuries, poor blood circulation in them can affect the development of prostatitis. This mainly applies to drivers. They lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, blood circulation stagnates, and the load on the pelvic organs increases many times.
  5. Constant hypothermia, rare physical activity, chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, disturbances in hormonal balance, difficulty urinating, rare sexual intercourse - all this leads to the development of the disease.

Men leading a rich sexual life suffer from nervous and physical exhaustion, begin to fail in hormonal balance, sexual glands, which gradually leads to a reduction in potency. It has a negative effect on male power and unfinished sex.

  1. A sedentary life has a negative effect on the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems. The outflow of blood in the pelvic organs gradually worsens, moreover, it begins to stagnate, there is a lack of oxygen in the prostate tissues, which provokes the growth and spread of pathogenic bacteria, which can become a source of inflammation of the prostate. This is not the main source of inflammation, but it plays a key role in the penetration of various microorganisms into the prostate.
  2. An inflamed rectum or urethra often leads to reinfection of the prostate.
  3. Constant constipation can also serve as a trigger for the disease. Regular violations of the stool can lead to inflammation in the prostate gland.
  4. Immunity plays a role here that is far from secondary. Bad habits, excessive emotional stress, malnutrition, overwork lead to a weakened immune system, and the male body is easily exposed to the penetration of infectious pathogens of various kinds.
  5. The causes of prostatitis are urological infections, some sexually transmitted diseases. Chronic diseases can also be a source of prostatitis.

Which indicates the development of prostatitis.

You can investigate the symptoms by doing a standard urine and blood test. Diagnosis will help establish the source of the disease. Microorganisms, penetrating through the blood vessels from the urea or intestine to the necessary place, disrupt the functioning of the body.

The nonbacterial form of the disease cannot be established by testing, but this does not mean the absence of bacteria. The consequences of both ways will please no man.

Signs of prostatitis in men are divided into 2 periods:

  1. latent (hidden)
  2. active

The first period indicates mild symptoms, but this already indicates an onset of the disease. The latency period can last for many years. It is indicated by anxiety in the scrotum, sometimes in the head of the penis, anus.

Often men think that this is due to trivial overwork.

From the moment when the pain feels the strongest, going to the toilet for small needs becomes a problem, the active period of the disease begins. And it cannot be ignored.

The first signs of inflammation of the prostate.

Prostatitis has several stages of development. At first, it provokes a constant desire to visit the toilet, while the process of urinating can be accompanied by pain and burning.

The lower back, groin and pelvis begin to hurt. When the first symptoms of prostatitis appear, a man needs to visit a doctor in order to avoid all kinds of complications and maintain his masculine strength.

Signs of inflammation in the prostate are:

  • constant need to urinate;
  • pain sensations;
  • reduced erection or its complete absence.

The external signs of prostatitis are described by difficulty urinating. The pressure may be weak, the emptying of urea is accompanied by pain, sometimes there is no outflow of urine. This happens due to the fact that the urethra is compressed by a gland that has become inflamed.

If you don't visit the doctor's office, the swelling will continue to grow, covering other organs. Inevitable will be the formation of a tumor. After age 30, all men should see a specialist's office every year.

To maintain his health and avoid disease, a man should:

  • do not cool too much;
  • eat a balanced diet (reduce fried foods, preserves and alcohol);
  • live an active lifestyle;
  • avoid bad habits;
  • have a regular sexual life, avoid constant erections without completion.


The main symptom of the disease is pain (pain, popping, pulling, pressing). The pain can be both mild and severe. And the place of its strongest concentrations is the perineum, anus or sacrum. The cause of the pain symptom is irritation of the gland.

Signs of chronic prostatitis

A feeling of discomfort, pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes in the lower back and thigh, speaks of the first signs of a chronic disease. Within days, erection problems begin. After the end of sexual activity, slight pains in the head of the penis may appear, which quickly disappear on their own.

Each visit to the bathroom is accompanied by a burning sensation and pain in the urination channel.

Each time, these feelings will only increase.

Signs of acute prostatitis

This type of prostatitis is

  • catarrhal
  • follicular
  • purulent.

In the first form, a sign of the disease is discomfort with the emission of urine, at the time of the next form pain in the scrotum begins, the temperature rises.

With the onset of the latter form, abscesses of the gland begin, and all the above signs intensify.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of prostatitis in men consists in eliminating inflammation and congestive formations in the gland. The successful outcome of treatment is to remove them as soon as possible.

To start treatment, it is necessary to perform a diagnosis to determine the origin of the problem. The doctor takes a swab from the urethra. If the result is positive, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics.

The period of treatment depends only on the level of infection of the body and the effectiveness of the selected drugs.

In young men, prostatitis most often appears due to banal hypothermia. As a result, it turns into an acute form. To combat it, the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy.

Prostatitis, provoked by various stresses, is treated by a neurologist. In this situation, the doctor prescribes a relaxing massage, electrophoresis, a course of vitamins. Getting rid of the disease will not work without eliminating its cause.

When symptoms of the disease appear, the following treatment algorithm is used:

  • An antibiotic is an integral part of the treatment of an infectious form of the disease. The composition of drugs should be a wide range of effects.
  • They may prescribe hormonal medications to restore hormonal balance.
  • In order to recover faster, you can use medicinal herbs, use physiotherapy, folk methods will help relieve pain and restore strength to the body.
  • If these methods do not help to solve the problem, the intervention of the surgeon will be required. Sometimes this is the only way to heal.

Both forms of prostatitis in men can be treated with laser therapy. This method helps to increase the body's protective barrier and heal the acini.

The chronic form can be treated at the same time with laser and medication. In an acute form without obvious symptoms, the laser significantly improves the patient's condition: after a couple of procedures, the pain ceases, and the erection returns to the patient.

In no case should you delay a visit to the doctor if discomfort begins in the groin area. It is better to prevent the development of the disease immediately than to treat it for a long time after receiving painful complications.

A visit to the doctor is not as scary as it might seem, especially when it comes to health.

The main thing is to quickly recover and live a full and rich life, not to deny yourself any desires and to satisfy all your needs.

Every man should remember and take care of his own male health, especially at a young age.